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SAP GTS edition for HANA

What you need to know before migration

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SAP GTS 11.0 has its official end of maintenance in 2025. Companies that use the SAP system for their customs and foreign trade processes will have to consider migrating to its successor, SAP GTS edition for HANA. Here we clarify the most important questions about the new system and the migration.

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Why do you need to migrate your GTS system?

Many companies use an SAP GTS system for their customs and foreign trade processes. The version currently used by most companies is called SAP GTS 11.0, but this will expire from SAP maintenance on December 31, 2025.

The official successor is the GTS edition for HANA. Although this has been officially available since 2021, it has only been used sporadically. With a new version from 2023, SAP wants to encourage companies to make the switch.

Anyone who wants to continue using GTS must therefore have switched by the end of 2025. For many companies, the switch is a major project. At the same time, time is running out for the changeover. Below you will find the most important answers about the migration.

What does migration mean?

First of all, it is important to understand that GTS on HANA is a completely new version. It is therefore not an update of the (perhaps) existing GTS 11.0 system, but a newly developed stand-alone solution.

As the name suggests, this system accesses an SAP HANA database. This prerequisite must therefore be met in any case. However, no SAP S/4HANA system is required as a so-called pre-system. So if you have not yet migrated your ERP system from ECC to S/4HANA, you do not need to have done so before migrating to SAP GTS edition for HANA.

It is also important to note that you will also need a new license. Companies are always surprised by this. In our experience, you can have the original license credited. However, you will still have to bear the additional costs. Migration is therefore also an investment for most companies.

What will change with the new system?

A very decisive and quickly recognizable difference is the changed user interface. SAP Fiori makes work easier thanks to improved usability and transparency. SAP has replaced 70 outdated SAP GUI transactions in the new system with 17 redesigned Fiori apps.
Further changes with SAP GTS edition for HANA:

    • Changed key user roles: The most important user roles have been redesigned and authorizations adjusted (based on a new authorization system).
    • Revision of Trade Preference Management: SAP GTS edition for HANA comes with a revised and simplified data model, structure and processes for managing long-term supplier declarations (LLE).
    • Management of product indicators (old name additional solution IBPP)
    • Intercompany LLE for cross-company code stock transfers
    • New possibilities for analytics: In the core areas (Compliance, Customs, Preference) there are analysis options as part of the Fiori apps.
    • Simplified system-wide search: You can use the Enterprise Search to search for master data or transaction data elements - a major improvement compared to the previous system.
    • Improved Sanctioned Party List Screening: The check is significantly faster than in GTS 11.0 and you can also save yourself cumbersome preliminary work.

Advantages and disadvantages of migrating from SAP GTS 11.0 to edition for HANA


  • Extended range of functions and improved usability
  • Improved performance and scalability compared to version 11
  • Seamless data transfer and process handling for integration with SAP S/4HANA


  • Resource- and investment-intensive migration project
  • Careful planning and implementation due to complexity
  • Any necessary revision of adaptations and interfaces

Important: If you want to implement legal requirements correctly in the long term, you can only ensure this by switching!

How extensive is a project?

Because SAP GTS systems are used by companies to very different extents, it is difficult to give a blanket answer to this question. Depending on how extensive the processes, the functions used and the system architecture in your company are, a migration project will be larger or smaller.
In any case, you should allow at least six months for the migration project. For more complex systems, you can quickly reach a project duration of over one to two years.

Find out how we can support you with your migration

Brochure: SAP GTS edition for HANA - What you need to know for your migration project

The migration to SAP GTS edition for HANA is a major project for many companies. To ensure that the migration is as successful as possible for you, we provide you with expert support through all project phases with our process and SAP expertise.

You should consider these questions before embarking on a migration project:

As the switch to GTS edition for HANA means a complete migration, you should clarify a few topics in advance:

Scope of functions

Which functionalities are currently used in GTS? And are you also planning to map additional functions or processes with the new version?

Competing migration projects

As the migration project will take time, you should check whether there are other issues in your company that could become a problem. If you want to start your GTS project now, it should be completed before you start the migration to S/4HANA, for example. Otherwise, resources will quickly become too scarce. Your IT department in particular will probably not be able to cope with this burden.

Consulting bottleneck

DSAG warns of a resource bottleneck with regard to the many upcoming GTS migrations. As many companies want or need to have completed their migration by the set deadline in December 2025, there may be too few consulting companies available to assist with the migration.

Data migration

As with any migration project, you should pay particular attention to your data: Correct migration is crucial, so it is advisable to clean up all data and carry out master data maintenance before the migration project.

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