Extended Incompleteness Check in SAP
Check incomplete data during delivery and transport processing
If you want to make sure that all relevant information is available for deliveries or shipments, you can check completeness using your SAP system. However, the so-called incompleteness check can be extended even further.

Ensure completeness down to the last detail
With the incompleteness check, users can determine whether the relevant fields in the SAP document are filled in or information is missing. The SAP standard also provides an incompleteness check as part of delivery and transport processing. However, the configuration options are limited, as completeness can no longer be checked in detail at some levels.
The remedy here is the solution SPEEDI Extended Incompleteness Check, which supplements the SAP standard and with which the correctness of field contents can be verified in very great detail: at the level of transport header and item, delivery note header and item, and handling unit header and item. The forwarder's supplier master data can also be checked if required.
Content check
The Extended Incompleteness Check not only determines whether the relevant fields are filled in. However, the solution can also be set to perform a content check for specific fields. With regard to material numbers, these are, for example, single values, intervals, inclusive or exclusive values, or numbers that are larger or smaller than a certain value.
Quality improvement
Not only do you as a supplier see a significant improvement in data quality with the extended incompleteness check. Your customers will also not incur additional costs due to incorrect EDI messages.
SPEEDI Extended Incompleteness Check is also characterized by a high degree of flexibility, because in Transportation (LE-TRA) the time for an incompleteness check can be defined individually in each case. It can be set so that it is carried out during transportation planning, during transportation registration, or only at the end of transportation processing.