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Renault TMS

The right solution for your requirements Renault-Nissan is restructuring its transport processing and will in future send three EDI messages (DELJIT) to its suppliers. The first, containing information on the unloading and consumption point, the RAN numbers, but without the transport ID, is sent to the supplier at least three days before delivery. The second, which only contains the RAN numbers, is sent two days before [...].

Porsche time slice solution

Die passende Lösung für Ihre Anforderungen Porsche stellt, wie der Mutterkonzern Volkswagen, seine Zeitscheiben-orientierten EDI-gestützten Logistikprozesse mit Zulieferern sukzessive auf globale EDIFACT-Formate um. Die Daten zu den verschiedenen Zeitscheiben pro Anliefertag, das exakte Einteilungsdatum inklusive Uhrzeit und der Routeninformationen (Werk, Abladestelle und Lagerort) übermittelt Porsche in Liefer- und Feinabrufen nach VDA 4984 (Global DELFOR). Diese […]

VW OT Special Process Direct Delivery

The right solution for your requirements When Volkswagen OTLG (Original Parts Logistics) orders spare parts that a supplier delivers directly to drop shipment customers - sales centers in Germany as well as selected importers - it first sends a delivery preview. Delivery is then initiated by shipping order (EDIFACT DELJIT / CALDEL). In addition to standard data - quantity, date, address - this contains a [...]

Renault CINDI

The right solution for your requirements Renault and Dacia are standardizing the identification of deliveries in Europe with the CINDI (Common Identification Number for Delivery Improvement) procurement process. CINDI is designed to increase delivery reliability, facilitate follow-up deliveries, prevent advance deliveries, and enable goods receipt without quantity checks for certain parts. To this end, Renault / Dacia provides delivery call-offs with a RAN (Release Authorization [...]

PSA Caldel

The right solution for your requirements At the PSA Group (Peugeot Citroen), requirements relating to logistics processes with suppliers are laid down in the "Manuel Logistique PSA (MLP)". With PSA Corail, the PSA Group uses a special variant of the EDIFACT message type DELJIT for delivery schedules. A special feature is also the "code routing number" for controlling pallets at the cross dock. The process peculiarities of PSA [...]


The right solution for your requirements Suppliers to the US electric vehicle startup Lucid who use SAP software cannot satisfactorily handle their EDI-based logistics processes with this OEM and the associated information exchange requirements with standard SAP functions. In the case of feedback messages, the standard also does not offer the option of incorporating them directly into the SAP system. SAP-integrated logistics processing with e-vehicle startup Lucid The [...]

KPI Packages