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JIS supply to Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Peugeot and Jeep, among others

Stellantis brings together fourteen car manufacturers, including Fiat, Citroen, Peugeot, Opel, Jeep and Alfa Romeo. Suppliers to these OEMs therefore often deliver via a central web service called Corail Synchronus. We support you with suitable software solutions, our industry expertise and process consulting. 


Compared to other OEMs, the Stellantis Corail data interface is not commonplace. With Corail Synchronus, Stellantis provides its own web service for just-in-time deliveries and long-range just-in-sequence deliveries. The parts to be delivered are made available for each vehicle in XML format.

The most important thing here is: 

Suppliers do not receive the data automatically (as with EDI messages, for example), but are obliged to actively retrieve the vehicle data using their own software.

Various web services are provided for the individual steps of JIS delivery.

Stack pre-order

The Stack Pre-Order web service provides the relevant parts scope for the supplier for each vehicle with all the necessary information for checking stock levels and production.

Information on the vehicles (or on the parts to be delivered) is made available as soon as the vehicle reaches a specific and previously agreed reporting point within the production process at the OEM. One of the following reporting points leads to the vehicles being made available in the web service:

  • Welding workshop (EPHY, SFER)
  • Painting workshop (EPEI, ELAQ, SPEI)


It is important to note that a maximum of 50 orders can be called up at any one time. The web service must then be called up again.

As the supplier, you are responsible for collecting all call-offs.

Stack order

The Stack-Order web service works in the same way as Stack Pre-order with the addition of the sequence number.

Normally, one of the following reporting points leads to the vehicles being made available in the web service:

  • Assembly workshop (EMON, SMON)


This web service also allows a maximum of 50 orders to be called up at any one time.

Pre Invoice

The Pre Invoice web service helps you to have a reference for invoices. An "interim status" is displayed daily at the same time. The last vehicle is used as a reference, which can be used for invoicing.

Suppliers thus have a clear overview of the scope of parts that can be billed for each day. The reference objects can be called up for the last 45 days and used, for example, to check your own invoicing.

WSW Solutions and Services

Regardless of whether you want to process the supply of Stellantis brands such as Fiat or Peugeot in your SAP system or use your own system: WSW Software supports you with suitable solutions and years of expertise in OEM supply.


LOJISTIX is our solution for optimized JIS processes. The platform completely covers your processes and creates more efficiency and transparency.


SPEEDI offers SAP users numerous additional functions that can be integrated quickly and seamlessly into your SAP system. As an automotive supplier, you benefit from OEM solutions that support a wide range of requirements.


The processing between supplier and automotive manufacturer is also a challenge under SAP S/4HANA because important functions are missing. JUNIQ closes these gaps for you and supports your OEM processes with the latest SAP technology.

The JIS Competence Center

Our JIS Competence Center supports you in your JIS processes: Together with you, we design your personal JIS strategy, advise you on the selection of solutions, and support you in the long term with our industry and technology know-how.

Jörg Müllender

Head of Sales

T: +49 89 895089 456

KPI Packages