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New live webinars in March and April

In March and April 2021, we will again offer three live webinars in which we will address the topics "VALERIS® - MDE made easy!", "LOJISTIX® - ONE FOR ALL / The software that grows with you" and "Preference processing in SAP S/4HANA - New Generation".

VALERIS® - MDE made easy! on 23.03.2021
You want to know how easy it can be to capture process or machine data with VALERIS® and display it transparently?
Thanks to the low-code modeling approach, you as a business user or process engineer configure machine interfaces, process and production parameters yourself - without additional IT know-how. We will also show you concrete examples of how you can map a solid machine-related database for KPI and OEE with the help of additional VALERIS function modules.

LOJISTIX® - ONE FOR ALL / The software that grows with you on 24.03.2021
The sequence-compatible supply of your customers with assemblies and parts is also essential for your business success? Regardless of whether you are an automotive supplier, logistics or sequencing service provider: Just-in-sequence (JIS) processing, also referred to as the "supreme discipline" of logistics processes due to its complexity, poses an enormous challenge. In addition, your own goals are growing: If a solution that is as lean as possible is required at the beginning, this may change over time. Here, the question arises whether the existing software is scalable accordingly.

Preference processing in SAP S/4HANA - New Generation on 13.04.2021
Supplier declaration and preference calculation in a new S/4HANA guise. Our new generation of SPEEDI preference processing enables all necessary steps in the SAP S/4HANA environment. In our webinar, you will learn how to make the transition to the S/4HANA era. We will show you how to get smart and system-supported from the request to the preference calculation to the issuing of supplier declarations. Cross-plant or sales order-related calculation? Adobe Interactive Forms? Our solution offers that, too.

You do not have time at these dates? No problem, we are happy to arrange a personal meeting, just take Contact to us.

We look forward to your participation!

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